The Blue Ridge is home to a vibrant musky fishery, and we obviously put a ton of emphasis on that throughout the season, but there is a boat load of action to be had between the dams! Smith Mountain Lake has played host to a booming striper fishery since the late seventies, a virtual playground for a 20 something foot center console or skiff, with 530+ miles of shoreline you can literally get lost in search of the pull. The product of two rivers and dozens of smaller tributaries, Smith offers diverse habitat and ample depth to support a booming bait population which in turn, well you know. Striper fishing techniques can be as diverse as the underwater landscape where we target them, you have the tried and true method of live bait fishing , rigged in a variety of ways, vertical jigging on huge schools and busting birds( which we also do with flies, hmmmmm, is what you’re probally thinking), topwater busting mayhem when anything with a hook is on tap, just about anything you want. Roll all that up with a couple real fishy Captains, now you’re talking!